Sunday, June 15, 2008


well i start whatching the kids down the street for money for soccer, and next week i have scout camp and im really not to excited about it because its the same place we went last year and it was really boring. but after that i start soccer practice in july so thats all for now.

Friday, June 6, 2008

My Challenge To Me

Well this school year i took a fitness class and lifted and exercised regularly and i finally really got interested in it at the end of the year. but now i don't have the equipment to keep working out completely but i have been trying to lift and exercise anyway. Even tough i have been trying i am having trouble staying with my plan and lifting on certain days. i have been trying to think of ways to keep myself on track but have found i am stuck so if you have any suggestions i would love to hear them please and thank you.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Well i haven't started work yet but scout camp is coming so i am a little excited just because i have been kind of bored lately so ya well thats really all that is happening in the world of zac so i will blog again in a few days bye

The Lawrence Welk Show
